Tuesday, February 28, 2006

An Update From the Front

From the Industrial Biotech sector: With regard to manufacturing, DuPont is attempting to use organic substances such as corn and soybean as a replacement to petroleum products. As you know oil is used for creating plastics and other materials, but DuPont wishes to remove oil as a key ingredient. Instead they wish to break down soy molecules in attempts to create substances as moldable and as scalable as plastics.
Carpet fiber, which is also made from oil, can be created from glucose. The article below states, "DuPont is close to developing plant-based hair dyes and nail polishes that will not adhere to skin, surgical bio-glues that can stanch internal bleeding and a textile fiber made from sugar that will act and feel like cotton."

Emerging sectors such as industrial biotech and solar technology not only provide sustainable solutions, but also create jobs that can remain in house. I wonder if now would be a good time to invest in companies such as Dupont and BP - companies that are spending R&D dollars towards sustainable development?

Here is the link to the Dupont article:

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